Photo of Rebecca in front of Cascadilla Falls
Photo of Rebecca in front of Cascadilla Falls, one of her favorite places. The waterflow is low and the trees are green. Her head is shaved on teh sides, with a chin length shock of turquoise hair hanging down to her chin on one side. She’s wearing orange cat eye glasses, a silver nose ring, silver jewelry and a burgundy v neck shirt. You can’t see that she’s sitting in her fabulous wheelchair that matches her hair.

About Me

I’m a life-long ponderer, nerd, reader, artist and problem-solver. I love all the things that go along with that – consuming information, writing to sort my mind out, talking with and learning from others, making things, trying things, organizing things.

I live with severe chronic illnesses that significantly limit how often and for how long I can do those things. I have severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (sometimes know as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME or ME/CFS), which is a complex, debilitating, neuroimmune disease that is still poorly understood. I also have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia, all of which are common in folks with ME. For more information or resources, head on over to Chronic Illness Resources.

I spend my time at home in Ithaca, NY with Marigold Dog and Sadie Cat. I rely on professional aides and a dedicated network of friends to help make our lives work, from grocery shopping to cooking to making the bed to dog walking to picking up fresh flowers. Disabled BIPOC leaders coined the term “crip doula,” which is work I’m called to; I am passionate about supporting other folks with chronic illness navigate resources, discover lifehacks, and improve their quality of life. I network with and provide direct support to others online, spread awareness among non-disabled folks, and advocate for policy changes and research funding.

I can usually be found in bed, on my phone, watching TV, reading on my tablet, or taking a nap.

Before leaving the workforce, I spent my career in the world of non-profit management. My depth of experience is in high-level fundraising, with a focus on prospect development, research and management. I know a lot about identifying prospects, engaging with them, and asking folks for money. I’m passionate about it, and happy to talk with folks and offer limited advice.

Pronouns: she/her.

 Select Favorite Reads

Rebecca’s bookshelf: Select Favorites

Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life
it was amazing
memoir-and-biography, select-favorites, disability, and 2022
How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community
it was amazing
in-the-world, select-favorites, wisdom, and 2022
Sick Kids in Love
it was amazing
2020, fiction, select-favorites, and disability
City of Girls
it was amazing
2019, fiction, and select-favorites

Current Projects


A collection of resources and virtual gathering spaces for chronically ill and disabled folks in the greater Ithaca, NY area.

  • Website
  • Facebook page
  • Facebook group: This group is for disabled and chronically ill folks in the Ithaca area to connect, support each other, share resources. Allies are welcome, and welcome to participate, with the understanding that disabled voices, concerns, perspectives are centered.
  • Instagram page

Ithaca NY Area ME/CFS Support

  • Facebook group: A place for ME/CFS patients in the Ithaca, NY area to connect, share resources, and find support.

Chronic Dream Collective: Thriving with disabling chronic illness

  • Facebook group : We found ourselves longing for a juicy, nurturing space in chronic illness community, and thought, maybe others long for this too. We’re sick, and live with tons of constraints, be they mobility, severe fatigue, allergies, or chemical sensitivities. Some are housebound or bedbound. We’re striving toward acceptance of our realities and limitations. But we’re also committed to joy, engagement and transformation. To pursuing what living is when life isn’t what we expected. We want to hold space for all of it, trade ideas, share successes, acknowledge disappointments, and lift each other up. We’ll talk about our lives, hobbies, food, art, plants, pets, cozy bedding, percolating ideas, writing, activism, and other things we haven’t dreamt yet. We value connection, authenticity, acceptance, personal growth, and creating the world we want to live in. We’re invested in racial justice, disability justice, affirming queer space, solidarity and listening to each other’s stories.
    Do you want to make connections with other chronically ill and disabled folks who are finding their way towards joy? Who embrace each other with kindness, positive intent, enthusiasm and humor? We’d love to welcome you.
  • Instagram page

25% of ME: Support Group for Severe CFS/ME

I am not the founder of this project, but have been a dedicated member of the admin team since 2019.

  • Facebook group: 25% of ME: Support Group for Severe CFS/ME Is a private, international, support group for ME/CFS patients who are housebound and/or bedbound folk with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (and their caregivers). ME/CFS patients in our group are generally too ill to work. Some get out of the house once in a while, others are barely able to move. This is a fluctuating, spectrum illness. While not all members are well enough to participate regularly, we do encourage folks to engage with each other with a spirit of generosity, vulnerability, kindness, and exchange. We don’t tell others what choices to make, but do share our own experiences. The community thrives on the dynamic of reciprocity, of both asking for and offering support, as folks are able. We support a non-judgmental environment where we can ask for advice and support from others who share the same challenges. We tackle life hacks, hygiene challenges, symptoms, pacing, treatment approaches, working with doctors, dealing with loved ones, disability, and more. We share best practices, our hopes, successes, and fears. While members span the globe, the majority are located in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Location has a significant impact on available treatments and resources. We are not affiliated with the UK group 25% ME.